Success is not the goal.
Achievement is about moving forward even when fear is present.
Today is the best day to take a step in the direction of your dream life.

Who Are You?
You’re creative, you’re accomplished and you’re a working professional. You’ve figured out how to do your job, and you’ve made some money.
But now, right now, you’re hungry for something else. You’re wanting to leap to a new level, find a new freedom and earn more while being of service in some way.

What do you need from a coach?
You’re ready for more. But what does “more” look like?
It means using your unique skills to make a difference in the world and finding fulfillment and joy.
It means taking a few smart risks along the way to create the forward momentum you desire.
And what is the biggest barrier? That’s why I’m here. Let’s find out together.

How can I help you?
When we work together, I support you through the fear that arises when you recognize old patterns and choose a new way forward. You will utilize simple, effective tools created to help you break through blame, shame and hurt.
As a result you will be able to hold yourself accountable to your new commitments.
By challenging these old notions and taking action from a new place, you’ll achieve Lift Off. And from there, you can go anywhere.
I’m Devorah Rodgers, and I’m here to help.
I understand this process. I used to work in an entirely different field. Now I’m here assisting people find their own path.
That’s why I am passionate about helping you see what’s possible when you’re willing to make profound changes that challenge your long-held beliefs.
I know what it takes to break down those barriers and transform your life.
It starts with recognizing and ending those familiar self-sabotaging patterns so that you can stretch out into the unknown, the limitless beyond, and believe in abundance.
I’ve been a therapist and life coach for over 20 years, and I’ve helped hundreds of clients from many professions navigate the path to freedom.
My clients don’t need a coach.
They WANT one.
I wanted to focus in on growing my private practice so I could also be more available to my son as a single mom. Devorah understands the life of the clinician and can easily see where I get stuck in my thinking (self doubt) around building my brand. She was so helpful in pointing out my blindspots that continued to get in the way of my growth. Devorah’s style is graceful and clear, motivational and holistic. She is empathetic and supportive and was able to see the path forward for me that I was unable to see. I am now solely in private practice 9 months later and love it.